As per its modern electronic trade understanding, customer satisfaction and safety oriented service manner as well as its financial transactions, Ories Wood adopts the following basic rules in order to protect the confidentiality of the information you provided on Ories Wood website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”).

Data are entered into our Website for only product/service application and information update purposes.

Our company took necessary measures by keeping its system and Internet infrastructure at the highest safety level with regards to the safety of the information entered into our Website.

Information entered into our Website by our customers for product/service application and information update purposes cannot be viewed by other Internet users.

These information will not be used for email and SMS (short message) communication with our customers. Unauthorized access to information provided us by our customers is restricted including Ories wood personnel. Orieswood shall not disclose such information to any third party, agency and institution unless it is consented by our customers or required under a legal liability.

Orieswood shall only disclose such information under necessary authorities and legal regulations.

When regulatory agencies and/or legislative, executive bodies and organs which has a jurisdiction over Ories Wood LLC requests disclosure of customer information, then Orieswood shall only disclose such information under the necessary authorities.

Our websites contains links to other websites. Our guarantees provided in our Privacy Policy is only applicable for oru website and does not include other websites.

Privacy policies and terms of use of other websites shall be applicable once you reach such websites via links published in our websites.

Ories Wood disclaims any responsibility for data utilization, ethical principles, privacy principles, quality and service quality of other websites which are accessed via links such as advertisement, banner, content purposes or any other purposes from our website as well as for any likely material / moral damages and losses that may arise in such websites.

In case Ories Wood engages other companies for support services, Ories Wood shall ensure such company to comply withOries Wood ‘s privacy standards and terms. Ories Wood owns the copyrights pertaining to information, material and their arrangements in our websites. Our company reserves all copyrights, registered brand, patent, intellectual and other property rights of information and materials, except for materials owned by third parties published in our website.

In order to protect the privacy of personal information of our customers, our company takes necessary measurements by keeping security of system and Internet infrastructure at highest levels. In addition, for your information needs, please do not hesitate to consult our company.

Best Regards,

Ories Wood Team